UTZO Pro Locator
When you have an urgent project you need to know who’s in the neighborhood and available to service your needs. We created the Pro Locator to let you see what available local options there are.

Pro Locator shows you how many local pros are in the area and their distance from you. It takes the guess work out of the service process. Now you know what your options are!

UTZO Direct Connect
When homeowners need help with a project they want the work done quickly. Finding an available, qualified professional has never been easier.
Local service professionals are displayed on the UTZO dashboard showing their availability.

UTZO allows the homeowner to stay connected with the service professional from start to finish - seeing where they are en-route and their ETA.
Get your needs met - FAST!

UTZO Quick Link
Home owners can view the en-routed service professionals driving status and can watch the professional on an animated map with his route, time to location and distance.

Knowing your professional is on schedule and on their way lets you know your needs are about to be met. Quick Link is great for making sure things are still on track with your project and professional.
Know what’s going on with UTZO!

UTZO Pro Connect
Let UTZO find the professionals surrounding your location in real-time. It’s an amazing sight to see all the available pros who are ready to help you with your needs. All pros are vetted, checked for backgrounds and are matched to your needs.

With just a glance you can see how many pros, how far away and how long it would take to get to you. When an emergency happens UTZO gives you a tremendous time saving tool. UTZO takes your needs and request for service and lets all qualified pros see your project — UTZO gets the pros contacting you.

UTZO Dispatch Genius
A smart dispatch engine that connects the company operated service professionals with home owners in real-time. Use the dashboard to SEE where everything is and co-ordinate all activities and projects.

This allows the service company to know where their pros are any time, how far they are from home owner service location and who is the nearest one to dispatch to home owner service location for quickest and expert service.
Coordinate and add operational
efficiencies with UTZO

UTZO Chat Genius
Chat genius is a chat engine that features private chat rooms with video/photo exchange and documentation retention that makes everyone accountable. Join others into the chat session for project management.

Chat Genius keeps everyone accountable as your communication is documented on UTZO and shared with all participants.
Add in as many participants as you need to work together on your project.

UTZO Quick Reserve
The UTZO APP makes scheduling fast and seamless for all parties with highly innovative feature that does the work for everyone.

UTZO’s Quick Reserve automatically compares time slots submitted by both parties to find the best overall schedule giving each party accept/reject powers. Schedule times go back-and-forth in real-time until a schedule is agreed upon.
Spend more time working and less time coordinating - UTZO solves the scheduling problems for you.

Lets the homeowner get notified when there is a service professional nearby that they are looking for. If a homeowner is looking for a plumber, for example, Proximity Alert tells them when one is close by.
This is a great way for homeowners to reach out to connect with the service professional using UTZO’s innovative solutions

Homeowners can also setup a proximity alert to only go off on certain times or days to match the availability of the homeowner.

Allows a homeowner to request all local service professionals to receive a request to bid on a project. Whoever wins the bid, gets the project.
The homeowner can see the highest and lowest values of the bids for their projects. This creates an innovative tool to use for evaluating the value of a project - all done in over UTZO in real-time.

This is a great way for the homeowner to find qualified pros and for the pros to find new work.